CESifo, Working Paper No. 10776, 2023.
Gemeinsam mit: A. Knabe and C. Lücke
"Employer calling: Incidence and worker-level effects of on-call work in Germany" German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 2023. Jointly with: D. Fackler and E. Weight |
"Parental time rstrictions and the cost of children: insights from a survey among mothers" Journal of Economic Inequality 19, 2021, 73–95. Jointly with: A. Knabe and K. Pahlke
"Estimating Extended Income Equivalence Scales from Income Satisfaction and Time Use Data" Social Indicators Research 149(2), 2020, 687-718.
"Die Nichterfüllung der Beschäftigungspflichtquote schwerbehinderter Menschen - Eine empirische Untersuchung möglicher Ursachen auf Ebene der deutschen Bundesländer" Sozialer Fortschritt 68(12), 2019, 973-998. Jointly with: A. Knabe and K. Hahn
"Reference Income Effects in the Determination of Equivalence Scales Using Income Satisfaction Data" Review of Income and Wealth 65(4), 2019, 736-770. Jointly with: A. Knabe and C. Kuhställer Discussion Paper Version
"Parental Time Restrictions and the Cost of Children: Insights from a Survey among Mothers" CESifo Working Paper No. 7321, CESifo München, 2018. Jointly with: A. Knabe and K. Pahlke
"There and back again estimating equivalence scales with measurement error" Applied Economics Letters 25(19), 2018, 1389-1392 Jointly with: A. Knabe